Tidewater Rotary Club Donates $5,000 to Support Cancer Initiatives

During the October 19th Tidewater Rotary Club meeting, the club presented a donation of $5,000 to the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. Midge Menzies was present to accept this community supported contribution.

The $5,000 donation, raised through the Tidewater Rotary Club’s “Flags for Cancer” fundraiser, will be split evenly between two local funds: the Mike Menzies Fund and the Richard Slaughter Fund. Both share a common goal – to provide essential support, raise awareness, and extend a helping hand to families and individuals in our community who are grappling with the challenges of cancer.

This contribution by the Tidewater Rotary Club, made possible by the generous support of our community sponsors and donations, will support the ongoing work of these funds. It serves as a reminder of the profound influence that a community working together can have in making lives better. We would like to acknowledge our Tidewater Rotary Club members for their tireless volunteerism and thank all our sponsors and donors for their invaluable contributions in making this donation possible.

Pictured above left to right: Michael Friedberg, AG Area 51, Childlene Brooks, President Tidewater Rotary Club, Midge Menzies, representing the Menzies Foundation, Kathy Harvey, Flags for Cancer Co-Chairperson, Steve Waltrich, Flags for Cancer Co-Chairperson.

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